Current Cash on Cash Return of 63% annually.
ProForma Cash on Cash Return of 86% annually.
Lease-purchase for the Property available for 30% down plus inventory! Inventory is about $30,000 at cost. Buyer only needs to bring about $127,000 at Closing!
Average Inside Sales are $50,000 per month! Average gas sales are over 2,400 gallons at 80 cents per gallon! Gas profit is nearly $2,000 per month!
No Jobber Contract!
Store is generating high margins due to strong deli sales! Huge demand in the area to expand the deli as there are limited food options!
Net Profit is over $10,000 per month after paying $3,900 in monthly payroll (which includes the manager) and all other expenses!
100% Absentee! Seller only visits the store once a week. Seller has had the store for the past 5 years and wants to invest in a different business venture.
Store closes early at 8pm every day! Demand by customers to open later and increase sales!
Pumps are only 3 years old! Property has aboveground tanks and therefore only require the more affordable pumps that do not need to be EMV-compliant.
0.91 acres! Plenty of space adjacent to the store to expand the building!
Minimal competition! Closest competitor is more than 3 miles away!
Less than 1 hour from Nashville, TN! Only 30 minutes from Dickson, TN! 7 mins from an elementary school with over 440 students! 10 mins from a Middle School with over 500 students! Directly across from a residential neighborhood!
Lease-purchase available for 30% down plus inventory! Inventory is about $30,000 at cost. Buyer only needs to bring about $127,000 at Closing!
Financial Analysis and P&L Available upon request.
Passive Income Opportunity. 100% professionally managed.
Structure 1: 50/50 JV Structure. The Equity split Cash Investor keeps 80%, Management partner 20%, until full investment has been returned. The cash on cash return will be 80% until paid off, then get go to 45%
Structure 2: Loan of required down payment amount at 2% per month interest only payments for 18 months then full pay off of principal at end of 18 months.
Structure 3: Assignment Fee of $20k